
Showing posts from June, 2024

Rediscovering Love: How My Trip Helped Me Restart My Relationship with My Ex

Hey there, fellow adventurers! It's me, your friendly neighborhood traveler, back from a life-changing trip. In today's blog post, I want to share my personal journey of rediscovering love and reigniting the flames of a relationship with my ex-partner. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let me introduce you to my travel buddy – Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression. Yes, you read that right! These unexpected companions made my journey all the more challenging, but they also helped me realize the depths of my love for my partner. So, let's embark on this emotional rollercoaster together! The Journey Begins: My Battle with Borderline Personality Disorder Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is like having a rollercoaster ride inside your mind. Every twist, turn, and loop brings a whirlwind of emotions that can be overwhelming at times. But amidst the chaos, there's one constant – my love for my partner. BPD made me question my

Unwinding and Healing: My Journey to Angra dos Reis - Rio de Janeiro

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, I want to take you on a journey with me as I embark on a trip to Angra dos Reis in Rio de Janeiro. This trip holds a special significance to me as I'm using it as an opportunity to unwind and heal from a recent breakup. Join me as I navigate the anxiety and the borderline awareness that comes with embarking on a solo trip for self-discovery and rejuvenation. Pre-Trip Jitters: The Anxiety Kicks In As the departure day approaches, the familiar knot of anxiety starts to tighten in my stomach. Thoughts of "Am I ready for this?" and "What if something goes wrong?" flood my mind. But hey, anxiety is just a sign that I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, right? Embracing the Unknown: Borderline Awareness As I board the bus, a sense of borderline awareness sets in. On one hand, I'm excited about the endless possibilities and the chance to explore a new destination. On the other hand, I can't help but feel a twinge of u

Heartbreak and Anxiety: My Journey After Another Breakup

Jonas , 06/11/2024. Breakups are never easy, but when you also struggle with anxiety, the aftermath can feel especially overwhelming. As I've learned all too well, the emotional turmoil of a relationship ending can trigger intense feelings of worry, fear, and uncertainty that can be debilitating. After my most recent breakup, I found myself consumed by anxious thoughts. Will I ever find love again? What if I'm alone forever? How will I get through the pain?  These questions played on a loop in my mind, making it difficult to function or find joy in my daily life. As the [mental health expert] at [] notes, "Breakups can be a major source of anxiety, as they represent a significant life change and loss." To cope, I've had to lean heavily on the strategies I've developed for managing my anxiety. Practicing mindfulness meditation, as recommended by [the experts at], has helped me stay grounded in the present moment rather than catastrophizin

My break up Youtube video. How to cope?


Intro about me, my BPD, Depression and Anxiety and my Therapy and what I am reading and learning about all this.


Ending a Relationship with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression

Deciding to end a relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder (BPD) and depression can be incredibly difficult and emotionally draining. These mental health conditions can create unique challenges and complexities when it comes to breaking up. However, in some cases, ending the relationship may be the healthiest choice for both individuals. First, it's important to understand the role that BPD and depression play in the relationship. Individuals with BPD often experience intense and rapidly changing emotions, fears of abandonment, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships.  Depression can lead to feelings of hopelessness, low self-worth, and an inability to engage fully in the relationship. These factors can create a tumultuous dynamic where the person with BPD and depression may have intense emotional reactions to perceived rejection or abandonment, while their partner struggles to provide the level of support and reassurance needed. This can lead